WE CAME. WE RAN. WE SURVIVED!!!! (Outbreak Manila)

When I first heard about this zombie thing, I have never imagined myself joining it. First of all things here on earth, I’m seriously PHYSICALLY WEAK. BUUUT last July 30 ( I think), my block mates and I decided to register and try this super fun run, it wouldn’t hurt after all. Plus they have been fantasizing to be in the place of people from walking dead and all sorts of zombiefied movies/series! HAHAHAHA. Curiosity kills, you know.


(Fast forward button insert here) —–> July 28!

The weather was just bipolar. I was scared. *What if I stumble and fall? What if I can’t keep up? What if the zombies chase after me?* There were thousands of what ifs, I tell you. HUHUHU

But i told myself, I had to face my fears! That 800 fee became my motivation.

Here are the general mechanics. (Taken from OutbreakManila website):

  • Before the race, you will be given a belt with 3 flags attached to it. These flags represent your health.
  • During the race, zombies will be scattered across the course to eat your brains… err get those flags. One zombie can only get one flag from you.
  • Any physical contact (punching, kicking, scratching, tackling, spitting, hadukens, flash kicks, etc ) between zombies and runners will strictly not be permitted.
  • Throwing objects of any kind are also not permitted. May it be rocks, branches, sand or even dirt.
  • Violators of these rules will be escorted out of the premises with no refunds
  • There will also be several man made obstacles scattered in the course
  • There will be instances where you have to choose either the easy way, or the horde way
    Easy way – less zombies but longer
    Horde way – more zombies but shorter
  • Upon crossing the finish line, you need at least one health flag intact in order to be eligible for prizes. Should you lose all your health flags, you are still allowed to finish the race and your time will be recorded but you shall be considered “dead” and no longer be eligible for prizes.
  • If you find yourself out of health flags, you are not considered a zombie and are not allowed to start pulling at other runner’s flags.

Post race pictures:



We headed to Mercato after changing clothes (Yucky soaked clothes).


SUPER KILIIIIIIG! He was approachable and kiiiind!

I ate my favorites: ISAW, taclings, mochiko in cookie dough. The red velvet was sold out 😦ImageImageImage

THEN SLEEPOVER!! (We can’t stop talking about our own experiences! HAHAHAHA) Girls are girls okay. We finished exchanging thoughts at around 5am. STRONG DIBA? ImageImage

Did you survive?

I am proud to say that I DID (surprisingly)! I went home with two flags, not bad right?

It took us 37 mins to finish! YAHOO!

Will you still join next time?

I’ll think about it first. My legs were a little bit traumatized.


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